Since the Foundation was launched in 2017, our goal was to open a “gateway” of opportunities for the young musician. Gateways that can not only lead to and become career pathways, but also enhance a creative outlet that would give students a chance to build self-confidence, develop a drive for excellence and sense of achievement and also craft a life skill that stays with them forever.
The Foundation operates on the universality of the language of music, and holds the position that the power of music can unite people across cultural and national divides, and can inspire, build tolerance and empathy and respect for one another regardless of age or gender. So, one our longest running program initiatives is the ‘Study Abroad Program’, which was hibernated in 2020 during the pandemic. Every year we invite young musicians to be a part of our international studies program, and to apply for the foundation’s partial scholarship award to attend a recognized and accredited summer music festival in Europe. Study abroad Scholarships offer stipends of $1,000 – $1.500 (open to students in the USA). These scholarships offer mentorship, tutelage, and unique opportunities for performance. Additionally, this year (2023) the opportunity for scholarship to attend local summer music camps within the Central Florida area was introduced. Local scholarships are $250 – $500.
Next, are our College Microgrant and College Supplement Programs. Both programs offer students the opportunity to keep the doors open for continued learning and career building. However, due to limited resource funding, benefits to this opportunity are based on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Our RHFA Scholars are a hardworking, talented, determined, resilient and diverse group of young musicians, who have each benefited greatly from our programs. Although they come from varied socio-economic backgrounds, the single underlying common denominator for each student is the compelling desire to grab the opportunity for growth and advancement. RHFA has been a catalyst for ambition, growth, and making dreams possible. Career paths were set in motion for many, while others who move onto different career platforms take with them the benefits and skills of a well-rounded and enhancing life, and the skills of music performance.